Future of work: Other information effects – polarisation and transience Phuah Eng Chye (18 August 2018) The previous article discussed how intangibility changes the nature of work. Intangibility can combine with the other information effects[1] of speed, size and transparency to change the organisational structure of work. This article discusses the information effects that gives … “Future of work: Other information effects – polarisation and transience”
Tag: information effects
Future of work: The effect of intangibility on work
Future of work: The effect of intangibility on work Phuah Eng Chye (11 August 2018) New information capabilities open the path to new ways of producing and consuming and to the creation of new products and services. Maximising the benefits from innovation requires changes in the way work and society is organised. Usually businesses move … “Future of work: The effect of intangibility on work”
The significance of information effects
The significance of information effects Phuah Eng Chye (15 July 2017) I have adopted a simple approach to evolving paradigms for the information society. I start by examining how improvements in information production and use alter economic behaviour. In this regard, societal evolution has been driven by innovations such as languages, books, the telegraph, telephone, … “The significance of information effects”