Information and development: Escaping the industrial maturity trap and moving forward to an information society

Information and development: Escaping the industrial maturity trap and moving forward to an information society Phuah Eng Chye (14 September 2019) Advanced economies appear to be bumping into limits to their growth. They display symptoms of “industrial maturity” such as hollowing out of their manufacturing sectors, demographic aging and anaemic capital formation. Some symptoms such … “Information and development: Escaping the industrial maturity trap and moving forward to an information society”

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Information and development: Are new technologies disrupting the path to development?

Information and development: Are new technologies disrupting the path to development? Phuah Eng Chye (6 July 2019) The favoured path to development was to climb the industrialisation ladder. Dani Rodrik notes “three characteristics collectively rendered manufactures a fantastic escalator to higher incomes for developing nations”. “First, manufacturing know-how was relatively easy to transfer across countries … “Information and development: Are new technologies disrupting the path to development?”

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The sharing economy: Sharing infrastructure and beyond

The sharing economy: Sharing infrastructure and beyond Phuah Eng Chye (10 February 2018) Economies are making a transition beyond services into what is popularly described as the sharing economy. The reach of sharing extends far beyond the sharing of consumer assets and houses. Jeremy Rifkin calls the sharing economy “the first new economic system that’s … “The sharing economy: Sharing infrastructure and beyond”

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