Global reset – Monetary decoupling (Part 13: Intermediaries in the era of globalisation and decoupling) Phuah Eng Chye (4 December 2021) Intermediaries in the era of globalisation[1] During the era of colonialization, it was said that trade followed the flag and, by extension, that finance followed trade. Dutch and British banks ventured overseas to support … “Global reset – Monetary decoupling (Part 13: Intermediaries in the era of globalisation and decoupling)”
Tag: financialisation
Global reset – Monetary decoupling (Part 12: Challenges for intermediaries – Disintermediation and fintech regulation)
Global reset – Monetary decoupling (Part 12: Challenges for intermediaries – Disintermediation and fintech regulation) Phuah Eng Chye (20 November 2021) Waves of disintermediation Financial intermediaries regularly experience waves of disintermediation. During the 1970, the US and UK led the way in liberalising their financial sectors. The deregulation of interest rates and commissions resulted in … “Global reset – Monetary decoupling (Part 12: Challenges for intermediaries – Disintermediation and fintech regulation)”
Global reset – Monetary decoupling (Part 11: The future of cryptocurrencies)
Global reset – Monetary decoupling (Part 11: The future of cryptocurrencies) Phuah Eng Chye (6 November 2021) Digital currencies are part of a broad information revolution that is disrupting how activities are organised. Traditional intermediaries, platforms and start-ups alike are jostling to establish a foothold in the fast-growing cryptocurrency industry. But at the moment they … “Global reset – Monetary decoupling (Part 11: The future of cryptocurrencies)”
Global reset – Monetary decoupling (Part 10: CBDC implementation)
Global reset – Monetary decoupling (Part 10: CBDC implementation) Phuah Eng Chye (23 October 2021) We have moved from the electronic to the digitalisation phase of a cashless society. The electronic phase mainly converted physical currency into electronic forms and usage. The digitalisation phase will take it up one step further by linking currency with … “Global reset – Monetary decoupling (Part 10: CBDC implementation)”
Global reset – Monetary decoupling (Part 9: Information perspectives on digital currencies)
Global reset – Monetary decoupling (Part 9: Information perspectives on digital currencies) Phuah Eng Chye (9 October 2021) Early versions of the future of money[1] visualised electronic rather than digital applications of currencies in a largely physical world. Perhaps, it could be said that the concept of digital currencies was formalised in “the early 1980s … “Global reset – Monetary decoupling (Part 9: Information perspectives on digital currencies)”
Global reset – Monetary decoupling (Part 8: Sovereign digital currencies and networks in the currency war)
Global reset – Monetary decoupling (Part 8: Sovereign digital currencies and networks in the currency war) Phuah Eng Chye (25 September 2021) Information disruption will be a major factor affecting outcomes in the currency war. Changes in the information properties of currencies through digitalisation opens up new possibilities and will affect the competitive positioning of … “Global reset – Monetary decoupling (Part 8: Sovereign digital currencies and networks in the currency war)”