Future of work: Aligning workstyles and policies to accommodate flexible employment Phuah Eng Chye (8 September 2018) “If we were designing a labor market from scratch today, it’s unlikely we’d create one that rewards only full-time employees. It wouldn’t make sense given the many ways that people choose to – or must – work: independently, … “Future of work: Aligning workstyles and policies to accommodate flexible employment”
Tag: Enzo Weber
Future of work: Approaches to regulating gig employment
Future of work: Approaches to regulating gig employment Phuah Eng Chye (1 September 2018) Several task forces, commissions, institutions and study groups have been established to address the challenges posed by the disruption of traditional labour regulation. In this context, Anna Ilsøe point out employers and employees are no longer well defined due to fissure … “Future of work: Approaches to regulating gig employment”