Labour share of income (Part 3 – Causes of wage inequality) Phuah Eng Chye (9 June 2018) Technological advances lead to significant changes in the organisation of work which changes the distribution of rewards. Karen Harris, Austin Kimson and Andrew Schwedel note the “tendency of displacement and long-term unemployment to erode earnings may cast a … “Labour share of income (Part 3 – Causes of wage inequality)”
Tag: Bain & Company
Technology and work: The productivity puzzle
Technology and work: The productivity puzzle Phuah Eng Chye (12 May 2018) “When we talk with the optimists, we are convinced that the recent breakthroughs in AI and machine learning are real and significant. We also would argue that they form the core of a new, economically important potential General Purpose Technologies (GPT). When we … “Technology and work: The productivity puzzle”
Technology and work: Technological unemployment and will this time be different?
Technology and work: Technological unemployment and will this time be different? Phuah Eng Chye (5 May 2018) The history of technological innovation is the history of social dislocation. The transition from agriculture to manufacturing was notable for its massive impact on employment and societal structures. The effect of technology on society still occupies the centre … “Technology and work: Technological unemployment and will this time be different?”