Articles (July 2017- March 2019)
Phuah Eng Chye (23 March 2019)
Information society
Phuah Eng Chye (2015) Policy paradigms for the anorexic and financialised economy: Managing the transition to an information society.
Introduction to the information society (1 July 2017)
The significance of information effects (15 July 2017)
Macroeconomic frameworks for an information society (29 July 2017)
Services economy
The services economy: Macroeconomic overview (12 August 2017)
The services economy: Deindustrialisation & global unbundling (19 August 2017)
The services economy: Revisiting Baumol’s cost disease (26 August 2017)
The services economy: Comparing the manufacturing and service paradigms (2 September 2017)
The services economy: Policy challenges and the Japanese experience (9 September 2017)
The services economy: Service sector growth and the information society (16 September 2017)
Sharing economy
The sharing economy: Macroeconomic overview (7 October 2017)
The sharing economy: Ridesharing business model (14 October 2017)
The sharing economy: Disruptive effects of ridesharing (21 October 2017)
The sharing economy: Ridesharing and public transportation (28 October 2017)
The sharing economy: The challenge of regulating ridesharing (4 November 2017)
The sharing economy: To deregulate or to reregulate (11 November 2017)
The sharing economy: Scale and regulatory arrangements (18 November 2017)
The sharing economy: Sharing and the city (25 November 2017)
The sharing economy: The challenge of regulating information (2 December 2017)
The sharing economy: Sharing and inequality (9 December 2017)
The sharing economy: Distribution of value and corporate dominance (16 December 2017)
The sharing economy: Sharing and sustainability (23 December 2017)
The sharing economy: Sharing, social media and information (6 January 2018)
The sharing economy: A futuristic taxi landscape (Part 1: The future and the uncompromising economics of the past) (13 January 2018)
The sharing economy: A futuristic taxi landscape (Part 2: Modular regulation) (20 January 2018)
The sharing economy: A futuristic taxi landscape (Part 3: Pricing fares the same way as stocks) (27 January 2018)
The sharing economy: A futuristic taxi landscape (Part 4: The coming of AVs) (3 February 2018)
The sharing economy: Sharing infrastructure and beyond (10 February 2018)
Organisation of households
Organisation of households: Causes of demographic aging (24 February 2018)
Organisation of households: Changing household structures and dependency (3 March 2018)
Organisation of households: Shrinking households, labour market frictions and societal cultures (10 March 2018)
Organisation of households: Household formation and the housing market (17 March 2018)
Organisation of households: Household and business formation (24 March 2018)
Organisation of households: Aging, secular stagnation and population policies (31 March 2018)
Organisation of households: Aging, depopulation and welfare costs (7 April 2018)
Organisation of households: Aging and financial cycles (14 April 2018)
Organisation of households: Aging, savings and financialisation (21 April 2018)
Organisation of work: Technology and productivity
Technology and work – Technological unemployment and will this time be different? (5 May 2018)
Technology and work –The productivity puzzle (12 May 2018)
Organisation of work: Labour share of income
Labour share of income (Part 1 – Theories and measurement) (26 May 2018)
Labour share of income (Part 2 – The difficulty of overcoming wage stagnation) (2 June 2018)
Labour share of income (Part 3 – The causes of wage inequality) (9 June 2018)
Labour share of income (Part 4 – Does inequality matter?) (16 June 2018)
Labour share of income (Part 5 – The quandary of labour reform) (23 June 2018)
Labour share of income (Part 6 – The missing big picture) (30 June 2018)
Labour share of income (Part 7 – The role of wages and profits) (7 July 2018)
Labour share of income (Part 8 – Wage regulation and information disruption) (14 July 2018)
Organisation of work: Labour movement and the future of work
Future of work: Information disruption (28 July 2018)
Future of work: The effect of intangibility on work (11 August 2018)
Future of work: Other information effects – Polarisation and transience (18 August 2018)
Future of work: Challenges from the changing organisation of employment (25 August 2018)
Future of work: Approaches to regulating gig employment (1 September 2018)
Future of work: Aligning workstyles and policies to accommodate flexible employment
(8 September 2018)
Future of work: The labour movement (Part 1: Labour 3.0) (22 September 2018)
Future of work: The labour movement (Part 2: Labour as a social movement) (29 September 2018)
Future of work: The labour movement (Part 3: Assessing the social media-based model) (6 October 2018)
Future of work: The labour movement (Part 4: Alternative models) (13 October 2018)
Future of work: Redefining work (Part 1: Transition to a high-information environment and the definition of work) (27 October 2018)
Future of work: Redefining work (Part 2: Bullshit jobs and post-work) (10 November 2018)
Future of work: Redefining work (Part 3: Bad jobs, good jobs and what governments could do about it) (24 November 2018)
Future of work: Redefining work (Part 4: Creating jobs from information and its ecosystem) (8 December 2018)
Future of work: Redefining work (Part 5: The economic paradigm of participation) (22 December 2018)
Future of work: Redefining work (Part 6: Monetising participation) (5 January 2019)
Future of work: Redefining work (Part 7: The price of labour) (19 January 2019)
Future of work: Redefining work (Part 8: Inequality, overpaid CEOs and the value of labour) (2 February 2019)
Future of work: Job destruction, income constraints and information (16 February 2019)
Future of work: Transition to the information society (2 March 2019)
Future of work: Strategy roadmap for labour (16 March 2019)