The sharing economy: Sharing and sustainability

The sharing economy: Sharing and sustainability Phuah Eng Chye (23 December 2017) There is another contentious claim about the sharing economy; namely that sharing has a positive impact on sustainability. Juliet Schor observes “many sites advertise themselves as green and present sharing as a way to reduce carbon footprints. It is a truism among sharers … “The sharing economy: Sharing and sustainability”

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The sharing economy: Distribution of value and corporate dominance

The sharing economy: Distribution of value and corporate dominance Phuah Eng Chye (16 December 2017) Sharing substantially changes the organisation of activities, labour, assets and capital that operate in an ownership regime. In this context, sharing generates value through using information to facilitate participation. There are two broad types of sharing platforms; namely the for-profit … “The sharing economy: Distribution of value and corporate dominance”

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The sharing economy: Sharing and inequality

The sharing economy: Sharing and inequality Phuah Eng Chye (9 December 2017) Initially, sharing was welcomed as a demonstration of how technology could be used to promote self-reliance, monetise assets, empower work and reward entrepreneurs. The ideological premise was that sharing platforms would unleash market forces and community collaboration, be used to roll back government … “The sharing economy: Sharing and inequality”

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The sharing economy: The challenge of regulating information

The sharing economy: The challenge of regulating information Phuah Eng Chye (2 December 2017) Sharing platforms have already built a ubiquitous presence across the globe despite owning minimal assets and having a small number of full-time employees. In doing so, the sharing platforms have demonstrated the tremendous value that can be unlocked from a business … “The sharing economy: The challenge of regulating information”

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The sharing economy: Sharing and the city

The sharing economy: Sharing and the city Phuah Eng Chye (25 November 2018) Nestor M. Davidson and John J. Infranca highlights that the intriguing dynamics between sharing activities and cities is an under-appreciated aspect of regulating sharing platforms. “Unlike earlier generations of information or technology-based enterprises, sharing enterprises rely on a critical mass of providers … “The sharing economy: Sharing and the city”

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The sharing economy: Scale and regulatory arrangements

The sharing economy: Scale and regulatory arrangements Phuah Eng Chye (18 November 2018) One aspect of regulating the sharing industry that has attracted the attention of academia has been the unique challenges presented by the ability of platforms to coordinate the activities of millions of individuals on a real-time basis. In this context, Kellen Zale … “The sharing economy: Scale and regulatory arrangements”

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