Labour share of income (Part 2 – The difficulty of overcoming wage stagnation) Phuah Eng Chye (2 June 2018) In the 1970s, policy makers were concerned by how wage rises were fuelling cost-push inflation. When wage stagnation emerged in Japan following the collapse of its asset markets in 1990, it was greeted as a novelty … “Labour share of income (Part 2 – The difficulty of overcoming wage stagnation)”
Tag: reservation wage
Organisation of households: Shrinking households, labour market frictions and societal cultures
Organisation of households: Shrinking households, labour market frictions and societal cultures Phuah Eng Chye (10 March 2018) Economies face threats not only from demographic aging and rising dependency but also from the erosion of traditional family structures which are becoming more diverse in terms of relationships, race and beliefs. This is consistent with the transition … “Organisation of households: Shrinking households, labour market frictions and societal cultures”